3 Nail Care Tips for Beginners to Start Now

nail care set with pink iMac keyboard | 3 nail care tips for beginners

Nail care finishes the holy trifecta of beauty routines. Along with skin care and body care, there is nail care. Like the others, nail care is a beautiful place for experimenting. But, before one can experiment it’s always good to have some basic know-how. A well done manicure could be just the pick me up you need.

With a good nail routine you’ll find comfort in always feeling like even with other material additions stripped away. You’re still put together, comfortable and giving clean girl. Having a good nail routine also has the unexpected added benefit of training the eye to look forward to pretty details.

Nail care is best when approached from a place of love. Like the rest of the holy trifecta, it’s more potent when it starts with love. Start to care for your nails by giving them proper attention and diligence. These nail care tips are here to guide you and help those digits stay pretty!

Getting Started with Cuticle Care

Nails are night and day different when you learn about cuticle care! Cuticles play a significant role in how an overall manicure can turn out. Regular maintenance of the cuticle area makes the bare nails look more groomed and put together. The tools involved in nail care leave a lot of room for different levels of experience. With research, there’s a good chance to find a simple nail care routine that will make you feel like a million bucks! 

Hydrating the Nail Cuticle

Oftentimes, even if you’re forgoing the polish. A well manicured cuticle area that’s hydrated looks completely put together. Take some time to gather and research cuticle tools as well! Keeping the cuticles hydrated is non-negotiable. Wear gloves when doing chores and apply hand cream and cuticle oil religiously. At least in the mornings or before bed. Moisturized cuticles look the best and are the easiest to work with. The biggest decision to make regarding your nail’s cuticle is whether to cut or push them. 

Cutting the Nail Cuticle

Cutting the cuticles is arguably the more advanced task. Cutting the cuticle would also require a bit more time than pushing. Cutting the cuticle also has a higher risk of infection to the nail plate. There’s also the option of pushing the cuticle back. Pushing the cuticle with a mental tool may be too rough on your nails as opposed to using an orange stick. Regardless of the tool of choice, you must sanitize them. Clean tools are the best way to avoid any kind of nastiness on or in the nails.

Benefits of Clipping Nails

Clipping your nails is key to maintaining nail strength. Depending on your nail type, especially, clipping the nails makes them stronger. Besides giving a nice shape, a good clipping can also help make the hands overall look more feminine and clean.

Short Nails Versus Long Nails

Having short nails and having long nails is feminine. Length is genuinely up to preference. Healthy nails can be long or short. Which length the nails want to be where they stay. Depending on the length of the nail bed and the curve of the nail when growing. With a good structure there’s less likelihood of cracking. Especially at either side of the nail bed. Remember to follow up a good nail trimming with filing . A nail file of 180 grit to be safe for the natural nail. Filing smooths over the microscopic jaggedness that happens when cutting the nail. 

Clipping Toenails

Please, don’t neglect the toes ladies! Clipping your toenails regularly looks nice and helps foot discomfort. Plus shoes will also fit better and be more comfortable for long walks or long wear overall. Toe nails are just as important and everything in this post can be applied to your toenails. Whether you like to mismatch or coordinate your polish, make sure to pamper hands and toes alike! 

Learn Your Nail Type

The space between the cuticle and the free edge of the nail bed which determines the natural nail type. Natural nail type here is being defined by the amount of curve the nail has when you look at it head on. As well as the natural growth shape of the nail. And, the shape of the cuticle area as well. Knowing how the nail behaves also helps clip the nails in a way to give the best structure as well. Learning your nail type saves a lot of heartache (and cash) when deciding on which nail shape might be the most flattering. And most enjoyable in your day to day. 

Deciding Nail Designs and Nail Extensions

Nail type isn't the end all be all! The more educated choices you can make, the better. Some designs and styles may suit your natural nail more than others. Knowing your nail type also helps the decision of whether to get nail extensions and which type would be best. Vacation nails will not be every day nails and that’s okay!

Naturally, your nail type is affected by the general shape and size of the hand. Different styles will suit different hand shapes. The notion of short nails lacking beauty or personality has been pushed too far! Having stubbier hands doesn’t sentence you to having a utilitarian manicure at all times. Having a slender hand doesn’t mean that long nails are the only thing that suits you.

Nails are another place for women to pamper. Nails are a surprisingly simple way to feel like you’ve got it all together. Approach nail care with the same grace you would skin and hair care. Starting simple is the best way to find what works long term. Every part of your beauty routine thrives from giving the most attention to the smaller details. And, if you happen to be a hairier gal, remember that having hair on fingers and toes is natural. It’s completely up to you if you go the route of hair removal. This step in nail care is completely optional! You can look put together without worrying about health and the look of nails!

There’s beauty in self care indulgence. Indulge in more me time with these reads:

Makeup Routine

Everything Shower

Respecting Beauty Products

Thanks for reading! Make sure to share this post with your favorite people.

Do you have a current nail care routine? Let me know in the comments! For more reading from me to you. Click here to sign up for my newsletter! 

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