Unexpected Ways to Define Your Beauty Features

Your life changes when you discover that how beautiful you are is solely up to you. Give yourself the chance to celebrate your features. Look at yourself in the mirror and see what draws your eye. The features that might seem alien at first are waiting to be claimed. Remind yourself as often as you can that your beauty has infinite layers. You, and you alone define your beauty. Be kind to yourself and be vain! Reclaim celebration and obsession with your own sense of inner and outer beauty.

So many features look beautiful on hundreds and thousands of different people! Traits and features you admire on someone else. Someone else equally admires them on you. When you look in the mirror, look with admiration because out of all the people you could have looked like. You get to look like that, and you should celebrate it.

Beauty Considering Ethnicity and Race

Part of what makes something beautiful is being surrounded by it. When you surround yourself with people who look like you, it sheds light on the beauty in the details. Rediscovering being surrounded by the same people of your homeland will nurture your idea of beauty. 

Because you stand out, you are beautiful. Your features are treasured by nature itself. You features and traits come together and make an absolute work of art. The value of your masterpiece doesn't change because the people surrounding you all look similar.

The Idea of Beauty in America

There's no competition when there's no comparison. People are naturally aware of things that don't fit in. The same applies to how most feel about beauty. Often in this country we're surrounded by people that are cut from different cloths. Being such a melting pot, it's easy to conform to the traditional ideas of beauty. But consider that beauty is in the details. 

How Your Culture Relates to Your Beauty

Apply the same ideas of race and ethnicity on a micro scale. Culture is beautiful for its customs but also for its people. Seeing your features outside yourself, being celebrated and familiar! It flips a switch in the brain regarding how you see facial features. If you could find the beauty in the features of your predecessors, then they live on in you. Especially considering if you're mixed heritage! Celebrate yourself being different and unique. You don't need to have a clean understanding of "which race/ethnicity" you are to know that you are beautiful. There is no special blend of races or complexion you need to be to admire your beauty.

Surrounding Yourself with Representations of Beauty

Surround yourself as often as possible with people who look like you. Remind yourself that beauty is based on the eye of the beholder. Wrap yourself in the beauty of your own features because you are a living representation of your culture. Someone else seeing your beauty is not your responsibility! Things that someone may say about you is only a reflection of their inner turmoil. 

Beauty Through Social Media

Your social media feed is a highlight reel. I can guarantee you are not alone in the whole process. Everyone overthinks the photos or videos they want to put on their page. Everyone feels a lot better with edited content over unedited. Social media is not an end all be all to what beautiful is supposed to look or more importantly, feel like.

Beauty and Editing

Editing programs and editing knowledge are at an all time high. It's really easy to have video moving and talking like you, without looking quite like you. Most people have some sort of issue with comparing how they look to others. Please remind yourself as often as you can, that no. They don't look like that in real life. 

The Volatility of Beauty on Social Media

Social media changes its mind on what's pretty every day. Remind yourself as you scroll that a vocal minority isn't right. They are loud. If you're debating that post, post it. Make that photo video dump. Embrace documenting authentically! Worrying less about editing and more about impact. Everyone's story is beautiful. Have fun with your highlight reel, because you did a whole lot of work to get to it. Just remember that it's meant to tell you a story. You don't need to submit to a narrative that's driven by likes and shares and comments. 

A Note Particularly on Instagram Beauty

Instagram beauty is a realm of smoke and mirrors. Between unclaimed filters and unannounced features, the algorithm is distracting. Instagram like most other social platforms is meant to have you linger. More than on any other platform Instagram beauty is painting an ideal. Even with the best intentions, who you follow matters. Please take a second consideration to how someone's account makes you feel. It's okay that they're a beautiful person, and living a beautiful life. If they make you feel less about your own beauty, it's not worth the cost. Remember that unfollowing someone on Instagram isn't a personal affront. It's an act of self love and self consideration. 

Considering Location Based Beauty

Where you are directly impacts what's considered desirable. Desirability and beauty are not mutually exclusive. Different places value different features. Your beauty isn't bound to where you are. Desirability comes from fitting in where you are. Beauty comes from prioritizing what makes you feel most beautiful about yourself. Release the outside chatter because chances are that it'll change like the scenery. 

Beauty Beyond Location

Wherever you go, someone will find something pretty or ugly about you. Your beauty transcends where you are. The validation of your beauty comes from a deep and profound inner sanctuary. You can be called beautiful on one coast and be invisible on the other. I promise you, you don't need to identify with desirability. You're not meant to fit in with one crowd or another. You're meant to stand as your own level of beauty. 

Prioritize Beauty Features Wherever You Go

Prioritize the parts that you light you up. Gas up your own features! They are pretty just because you said so. Someone's opinion on your beauty will never stick. Often times than not, what's being commented on is your uniqueness. Celebrate yourself even in times of slight doubt. You're beautiful regardless of what's going on inside and out.

You realize it now don’t you? Keep the pretty going with these reads:

Beauty Standard

Relationship Between Clothes and Food 

Thanks for reading! Make sure to share this post with your favorite people. Which of your features have you been sleeping on? Leave me a comment and let me know all about it!

Catch me on Twitter and Instagram @sincerelyyoli


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