Your Essential Glow Up Bible is Here

This Glow Up Bible is going to be something you read sitting down. Things are going to start to click that maybe didn’t make sense before. I’m telling you how to be your own cheerleader. Once you start in earnest, being the best person you can be to yourself. That’s when the long term glow up starts. There’s a space to recreate yourself, to have a grand shift right now. I need you to believe you can, first and foremost. Because that’s the most powerful tool to any glow up.

From feminine power is where we create the next version of ourselves. Giving love to where you came from and sending love where you’re going. Touching on your relationship, discipline and most importantly, faith. Without these pillars it’s hard to have those new habits, new looks and new opportunities stick. 

The more you nurture the inward voices and actions. You’ll be more confident! Finding more joy. And, honestly, the best opportunities love feminine energy. Honor that there’s things you don’t know. Learn about yourself with curiosity and fondness. You’re in the middle of recreating the self image! It’s fun and exciting and, very, addicting!

Cultivating Relationships that Enrich Life

How you foster relationships, what you make of them and how you nurture them is what’s going to control how much of life is spent doing things you’ve always dreamed of doing. How you treat yourself fosters confidence, mood, and well being. How you treat others brings adventure, fun memories and serendipity! Cultivating relationships is something that will be guided by intuition. And reinforced by boundaries.

Relationships with Family

When it comes to family this is where you learn about speaking from love, upholding boundaries and being more vulnerable. Strangers of course, being the most serendipitous part. Because there’s no way to know what they’ll mean to you. If they have to mean anything at all. Relationships of blood aren’t any more or less worthy than relationships outside it. There are no extra excuses to throw into a relationship because they are biologically related. It serves you more to treat family by the individual. 

Relationship with Self

The most important relationship is going to be the one to yourself. This is where you befriend ideas of femininity, and create more things to love on. Getting to a place where there’s a solid foundation under you is a fundamental part of becoming more self aware. Embrace alone time and trial and error. Treat the relationship to self as the best case scenario in any other relationship. The way you set expectations, boundaries and uplifting routines is all in the time spent alone. Hanging out on your own, doing things you love with no outside input is just as refreshing as it sounds.

Relationships with Strangers

Strangers are the relationships that deserve the most grace. Someone’s bad mood or nasty attitude? It reflects something outside your knowledge. It’s fun to focus on laughter and light with strangers! You can help someone without asking and it could be exactly what the doc ordered. Everyone has their own preference for people close to them. The duty you have to strangers isn’t to befriend them. Just don’t be against them. How they respond to kindness isn’t something to burden. Giving strangers grace also frees up any of that energy wasted on creating a victim mentality spiral.

Choosing Discipline over Motivation

The tough love starts here. Because discipline is doing things you don’t want to do because of what they bring. Chemically, the brain hates discipline at first. You got to train her to like doing hard things. Be willing to wait for the best outcome you can dream up, and work on it. Manifestation is fed by discipline. Discipline makes you show up, and makes you plan things. It gets your ass to the gym and helps you drink water. And, oh my god, does it help you do things that are boring! If something is uncomfortable, it’s hinting at something that’s necessary.

Discipline is one of the most freeing practices too. Because while it bends, it won’t break. Discipline makes it so that there’s less choices. Less choices means you can give more time to the important choices. You use discipline to create focus and flow. At first it sounds contradictory to attribute discipline to femininity. Femininity creates the flow that comes from the discipline of showing up.

It’s satisfying to do something from discipline more than it is from enthusiasm. With discipline, you become a superhero to the future self. Creating space and opportunity for what you wanted. Most times, something even better! When something isn’t easy, it feels better when it’s done. That realization is how you get things done, and feel better for it.

Building an Unshakeable Faith in the Unknown

Patience is a virtue of faith. Being more feminine with the self is a lifelong practice. It goes hand in hand with faith, and intuition. It’s not really bound by rules or rigid parameters. Faith is governed by what you give power to, and take power from. Regularly. Because faith is built by knowing– that you don’t know. Being comfortable with not knowing the outcome and have the courage to lean into and prepare for the best care scenario. 

Building Trust in Intuition

Intuition is a learned feminine quality that keeps on giving. With time you learn the difference between fear and genuine warning. Feminine intuition helps you make peace with leaving things unsolved. Most importantly, a good feminine intuition lets you know when enough has been done. That there’s no need to continue to pour.

However you choose to do it. Feed your spirit. Look to something bigger than yourself. Because that safety net is going to empower you to do more things. Things that you never did. That you’ve been telling yourself that will get done. And things you haven’t thought of yet. Life can be unexplainable, it's a comfort to know that something looks at you fondly. Even if that is your future self. 

The glow up is all the joy in the process. These reads keep the momentum going:

Becoming Your Own Muse

How to Be a Good Friend


Make sure to share this with your favorite people! Which aspect are you going to work on to start your glow up first? Let me know in the comments.

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