How to Have Fun Eating Out Alone

soup dumplings and duck in chinatown new york city | how to have fun eating out alone

Eating out at a buzzy restaurant is super exciting! Enjoy that experience solo! There’s not one good reason to miss out on a dining experience because there’s no one to go with. If you’ve been looking forward to it, why wait? No more missing good opportunities to treat yourself. There’s plenty of ways to make the experience not only more comfortable for yourself. But, you’ll find yourself doing it even more.

Release any outside stigma from it. It’s easier on time and your wallet when venturing to a restaurant solo. You deserve lush eating experiences! Plus 9/10 times it’s easier to squeeze in a table for one, than a table for two! Eating out solo opens up new cuisines and dishes free from second judgements. It’s so much more relaxing to try something new without worrying about how it’ll be perceived by loved ones.

Switch any current narrative about eating out solo! Restaurants, cafes, and little drink shops are perfect ways to treat yourself! There is so much life demands all at once. Taking away any extra dining decisions is always going to ease the mind. Surprise yourself with one of a kind experiences. Take time to treat yourself as you want to be treated by others. Food is one of those love languages that need to be experienced whole heartedly. Please don’t talk yourself out of it this time!

Make it a Solo Date

Plan for it! Put it down on the calendar and don’t let yourself cancel. Give yourself a countdown by the days. Dress up for yourself! Go to that one restaurant you’ve wanted to try and keep putting off. It is 100% possible to enjoy eating out without traditional company. Because, you are worthy of spending alone time with. The only reservation to worry about is the one on your own schedule.

Completing the Dining Experience

If you’ve been looking at a restaurant for a whole month, and have been putting it off. Go! Check out the menu online, and their Instagram page. Put more than enough budget aside to be able to try a few things that look delicious. Make it the same experience (or better!) than with outside company. Treat yourself to the best experience you can. Solo dining can make for an exquisite way to extend the benefits of meal time as a whole. Better experiences, unveil the current relationship you have to food. From there is another start point to healing what food means to you.

The Key to Solo Dining

There’s enough that happens in life as it is. Experiences that are worthwhile, are worthwhile even on your own. Sometimes there won’t be someone to go with you. Eating out alone is worth the experience solo! Show up for yourself, eating out is special even without company. Food is a perfect way to ease into enjoying your own company. A food date requires nothing more than you and a delicious plate. Plus, it gives you the chance to be the recommender of said restaurant to friends. Keeping it all to yourself, until its value was gauged. 

Dine Outside as Much as Possible

If the weather allows for it, take the option to eat outside. It’s a great way to people watch and feel less isolated. Not to mention the decor should be seasonal! Being around fresh air and pretty decor is a mood boost all on its own. It will make the meal taste better too!

Outside dining gives main character energy! Food tastes better with some fresh air. Let yourself be part of the hustle and bustle without having to be in the thick of it. Eating outside helps to get more in tune with yourself and enjoy the energy you bring. You’d be surprised at the self appreciation from a good outdoor meal. 

Especially in the spring and summer! Dining in the sunshine are perfect for selfies and amazing reading light. And when you’re all done with the meal, it’s an easy going experience. Pay, and be on your way. The introvert in you will love having the distance from too many strangers. Making the dining solo experience more personal and restorative overall.

Take Pictures of Your Food

Even if it’s just for you! Take the picture! You’ll know to try something new next time. Taking pictures of your food is just plain fun. And, if you would do it out with friends, why deny yourself? This also goes for cooking at home! Enjoy the whole process from start to finish. While you’re at it, have more than one course. Documenting food experiences is so fun because you get to be experimental! Some things do taste as pretty as they look! And others, taste even better than they look! 

Create a Food Photo Album

Have a whole album dedicated to food you love! Food pictures are fun and they have the added bonus of making meal time even more of an occasion. Your food photography doesn’t have to be next level! Focus on some good lighting and the picture will come together on its own. Spice it up by taking a small video too! 

Benefits of a Food Photo Album

The reason that taking pictures of your food is fun when out with friends. Is the same reason it’s fun on your own! Because the moment is worth commemorating! Eating out at that buzzy restaurant that just opened. And, finally nailing that recipe you’ve seen everywhere online. That’s worth documenting and celebrating! It’s even more special because it’s a personal achievement. Treating yourself out to eat or a new recipe at home. Either way, it counts as showing up for yourself authentically. And not waiting on anyone else to experience things that matter to you.

Make sure to share this with your favorite people. What restaurant have you been wanting to check out? Leave me a comment.

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