Your Skin's Best Friend is Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream

The Vogue Beauty Secrets series has sparked more than one of my impulse purchases. Being an avid watcher, the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream has been a mainstay. Models, celebrities and influencers alike focus on the cream being gentle on the skin. Absorbing into the skin for a plush satiny finish. 

Product Claims 

I used the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream as my day and night moisturizer. Only substituting on days when my sunscreen felt hydrating enough in the morning. In my experience, the cream was rich and decadent. On my skin, I didn't have to put too much time into massaging my face. 

This moisturizer features squalene as its main source of hydrating the skin. Squalene is famous for sensitive skin and hydrating over long periods of time. I prefer squalene over hylarounic acid in most cases. Sometimes hylarounic acid feels like it dissipates more into the environment more than squalene. 

Amount of Face Moisturizer Used

It really is ultra moisturizing because most days I only had to use a small amount to keep my skin dewy and fresh. My skin type is normal/combination skin. So the amount of cream I used only had to vary slight to account for oiliness. 

The biggest size available for this moisturizer lasted me a month or two more than one full year which is an amazing cost for use. When I first discovered this moisturizer I had purchased the standard size and it had lasted me a bit over six months. I did start using less during my standard size purchase.

How the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream Feels On

Overall, this face moisturizer left my skin feeling hydrated and supple. Even when applying more generously at night. I never felt it weigh on my skin or feel overly slick. When my face was breaking out, I’d have no problems with this moisturizer. When I accidentally over exfoliated this moisturizer never felt stingy. 

Price Point

The Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream ranges from $35-60 depending on ounce size. Excluding the travel/ mini size. For the price I would recommend working from the regular size and deciding from there. At the point of this review, I have just finished off mines. Being the largest size they have available.

My Emotional Takeaway

This moisturizer was the first one I found that I ran to repurchase. I can definitely see how she works for most skin types. Kiehl’s is really decadent without skimping on actual hydrating the skin. The factor of it being a mainstay for models and people with gorgeous skin. Is a complete no brainer to me. Without a doubt it made my routine feel luxurious. Both in its reputation and the way it feels. 

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